10 Dentist-Approved Cozy Fall Recipes for the Whole Family to Enjoy

Fall recipes that are yummy and healthy.

When you visit your dentist, they likely mention how the foods you eat can affect your teeth. Eating and drinking sugary foods naturally weakens your teeth’s enamel. Unfortunately, many fall recipes contain high amounts of sugar.

While most fall foods are safe in moderation, avoid consuming large quantities of caramel popcorn and sugary candy. Instead, try some of these dentist-approved fall recipes for your next family dinner or dessert!

Getting Your Child Involved

When your child is involved in meal planning, not only do they learn life skills but they also practice their math skills. Kids are also more likely to eat fall foods they have helped make. Let your child pick the side dish you’ll make for dinner, or show them how to pick out the vegetables at the grocery store.

Let them stir, measure, and dump ingredients into the bowl—anything to get them involved! And once the menu is planned, you can spend time together making autumn decorations to match the festive foods.

Dentist-Approved Soup Recipes

Everyone knows that eating vegetables is crucial to healthy living. Fortunately, veggies are the stars of many soups that even picky eaters will love! Try these soup recipes this fall in Griffin, GA.

1. Cheddar Broccoli Potato Soup

Broccoli contains a substantial number of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. These green veggies have vitamin C, which decreases your risk of developing periodontal disease.

Ingredients for this kid-friendly broccoli soup include potatoes, ​​broccoli, carrots, heavy cream, thyme, and cheddar cheese.

2. Black Bean and Salsa Soup

When you need a hearty soup to promote healthy eating, black bean and salsa soup is the answer. It is fast to prepare and contains vitamin C, iron, and protein that supports the entire mouth and body.

Pick up these ingredients before your next family dinner: black beans, vegetable or chicken broth, chunky salsa, green onion, and sour cream.

3. Taco Soup

Most kids love tacos, so even picky eaters will enjoy this kid-friendly taco soup. It contains mild flavors, making it easy for kids to enjoy. But you can certainly adjust the flavors to suit your taste!

Ingredients include taco seasoning, ground beef, diced tomatoes, beans, and corn.

Dentist-Approved Fall Snack Recipes

When people think of snacks for fall in Griffin, GA, some obvious favorites come to mind—pecan pie and candy corn. But these treats can cause cavities to form or your teeth to break. Try these other snacks to protect your smile and promote healthy living.

4. Baked Apples in a Bag

A safer alternative to candy apples is baked apples. This snack is warm, delicious, and easy to make! You only need a few ingredients for this snack that doubles as a dessert.

  • Apples
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Cinnamon
  • Cornstarch
  • Ziploc bag

It takes two minutes in the microwave on high before you can enjoy this tasty treat!

5. Honey Roasted Carrots

Carrots are a versatile vegetable, and so is this recipe. You and your child can prepare these for a fall snack or as a side dish for your family dinner. You need carrots, olive oil, honey, and salt and pepper.

6. Cheese Plate

Who can resist a plate of cheese? Like other dairy products, cheese contains high amounts of calcium, which supports healthy teeth. Choose various cheeses to create a snack tray that won’t negatively impact your teeth. Add seasonal fruits and savory spreads onto your cheese plate for more variety.

7. Trail Mix

Trail mix is a simple snack that kids can make too! A fall trail mix could include almonds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, and chocolate chips.

Dentist-Approved Healthy Dessert Recipes

Typically your dentist is the one telling you to avoid sweets. But there is a sweet tooth inside all of us that needs satiated. Fortunately, you can enjoy sweet treats without compromising your dental health. Try these recipes this fall.

8. Avocado Chocolate Mousse

Avocados are well known for their versatility. When you combine them with chocolate, they go from a delicious fruit to a creamy dessert. Additionally, you can use dark chocolate to amp up the antioxidants.

This recipe requires chocolate chips, avocados, agave, unsweetened cocoa powder, and vanilla extract.

9. Apple Pie

You can’t go wrong with an American classic like apple pie. Apples benefit teeth because they contain calcium, vitamin C, and malic acid. Malic acid helps you salivate, which is necessary for oral health.

A classic apple pie includes:

  • Pie crust
  • Apples
  • Sugar
  • All-purpose flour
  • Cinnamon
  • Salt
  • Nutmeg
  • Lemon juice

Choosing this dessert over other sticky or chewy treats prevents teeth from breaking.

10. Pumpkin Cheesecake Mousse

What kind of fall dessert list would it be without something pumpkin? Pumpkin contains vitamin A, which supports healthy gums. The cream cheese adds riboflavin to your diet, promoting a healthy mouth. For this recipe, you’ll need:

  • Cream cheese
  • Canned pumpkin
  • Vanilla or pumpkin stevia
  • Pumpkin pie spice
  • Heavy or coconut cream
  • Vanilla

Protecting your teeth doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the delicious flavors of fall!

Healthy eating doesn’t mean you skip the dentist.

Eating healthy foods is a step toward overall wellness but doesn’t replace your routine dental appointments. Call Allred Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment to maintain maximum oral health. Contact us today!